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Recent Regulatory News

Update Regarding Proposed Dental Infection Control Rules

The Dental Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC) recently approved proposed dental infection control rules to move forward to the next stage of rulemaking.
Last month, the Dental Quality Assurance Commission approved proposed dental infection control rules to move forward to the next stage of rulemaking. The commission evaluated the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings and the 2016 Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings. The proposed rule amendments incorporate many of the CDC recommendations. 

Next, the commission will need to file a CR 102 to set a rule hearing date where the commission will consider adoption of the proposed rules. 

The proposed rules include several new requirements for dentists such as the sterilization of slow-speed hand piece motors, periodic testing of water delivery systems, and infection prevention standards education and training.

View Proposed Rules
Should you have concerns with the proposed dental infection control rules, WSDA strongly encourages you to submit your comments to DQAC. Comments can be sent via email to

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