News Items

HCA: Rulemaking Notice for WSR 23-22

The Health Care Authority (HCA) recently sent the following alert to dental Medicaid providers.

Proposed Rule Making (CR102)

WAC 182-535A-0040, Orthodontic treatment and orthodontic-related services – Covered, noncovered, and limitations to coverage

To read the filing notice and view the proposed rules, see WSR 23-22-055.

The proposed change will make the language less restrictive around who must perform treatment and follow-up care. The agency revised the language for who can provide treatment and follow-up care to read “by a provider who is part of a craniofacial team that includes, but is not limited to, a general or pediatric dentist, orthodontist, and a maxillofacial surgeon or specialist.” The agency removed “only by an orthodontist or agency-recognized craniofacial team.”
