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Reminder: New Face Covering Requirements Effective July 7

Beginning July 7, businesses will not be able to serve customers or visitors who aren’t wearing face coverings.
The Washington State Department of Health recently issued the following reminder regarding required face coverings:

Beginning July 7, businesses will not be able to serve customers or visitors who aren’t wearing face coverings. This measure aims to counteract the record-high levels of COVID-19 activity in the state as counties have begun to reopen. Face coverings, when combined with keeping 6 feet of physical distance and frequent hand-washing, can significantly slow the spread of the virus.

Individuals with certain health or medical conditions or disabilities are exempt from the requirement to wear a face covering. Businesses can offer to provide accommodations such as curbside pick-up, delivery, scheduling of visits during non-peak hours or virtual meetings. No one is required to carry proof or documentation of their health condition or disability.

Learn more about the new requirement here.